ISSN: E-2314-7326



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A Case Report of Brain Abscesses Caused by Enterobacter cloacae

Ivan Adamec

In immune-competent youngsters, brain abscesses caused by Enterobacteriaceae are uncommon, and those caused by Enterobacter cloacae are even more so. We describe an intriguing case of numerous brain abscesses caused by a community-acquired E. cloacae neuroinfection in a young boy who had no predisposing risk factors. A 10-year-old child arrived at the hospital with a low-grade fever, a headache, neck pain, and gradual sensorium degeneration. He had photophobia, normal fundi, meningeal symptoms, moderate hypertonia, quick muscular stretch reflexes, and extensor plantar responses when examined. He was aware but sleepy. Brain MRI results revealed bilateral, numerous pyogenic abscesses. E. cloacae was growing in the abscess material that was aspirated during surgical drainage. During an 18-week period, he received intravenous imipenem under clinical and radiological monitoring. a methodical strategy combining early. In such challenging instances, a practical strategy combining early surgical drainage, focused antimicrobial treatment, and patient-tailored duration depending on the clinicoradiological response is required.

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