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A New Look at Climate Change

Oleg Halidullin

The climate of the planet depends on the circulation of water in nature. The main driving force of the process is the Biota-the main consumer of water. Millions of years of interchange of water between the sky and the earth were created a harmonious balance of the water change. Man, increasing the comfort of its existence, it takes away from the nature of the territory, uses water notonly for drinking. Critical link in the chain of the water cycle decreases the transformation of water flora and fauna. The main source is the moisture vapour respiration and waste products of living creatures and plant transpiration. Suffice it to recall that one just one evaporates birch 50-60 litters of water per day. One cow drinks about 100 litters of water for the same time. It is known that a hectare of fertile soil contains 20 tons of underground living creatures, each unit which consumes water and breathes moisture and other properties. About this herd of cows in the 40 head of 500 kg. Multiply all this by the number of birch trees, cows and acres across the planet, the flora and fauna.

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