ISSN: 2155-6105



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A Qualitative Study on the Leadership Traits of People with Substance Use Disorder

Jason Roop, Ricky Casey, Preston Jones, Eric Carter

This study explores the leadership traits held by people in addiction and recovery. The research question sought to discover what leadership traits are found both in leaders and those facing drug and alcohol addiction, and in recovery from addiction. A qualitative methodology was used which included semi-structured interviews, observations, and a focus group which allowed the researcher to conduct thematic coding analysis. The participants came from diverse backgrounds and included participants from multiple regions across the United States. Leadership was defined as having elements of both transformational leadership and authentic leadership dimensions. The findings revealed that people in addiction possess numerous leadership traits which position them for effective leadership and are further developed during their journey into recovery. The top three traits which emerged from the data indicate that people in recovery from addiction are authentic, tenacious, and empathetic. Additionally, those in recovery have strong abilities to empower and inspire others and demonstrate posttraumatic growth which helps establish significant bonds of trust and commitment among followers. The purpose of this study is to hopefully change how people view addiction. Identifying the hidden treasures of leadership which are present in those struggling in addiction could illuminate aligning purpose with recovery efforts. This would not only advance treatment opportunities, but greatly assist organizations which need strong leadership. People with substance use disorder have all the right tools to become effective leaders, and this understanding can help mitigate the stigma associated with addiction and paint it in a more positive light.

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