ISSN: 2329-8863



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Adaptability Study of Irish Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties for Yield and Yield Components under Kaffa Zone, South Western Ethiopia

Henok Fikre

Potato is one of the most important food crops grown in mid and high altitude areas of Ethiopia. To meet the increasing demand of potato several potato genotypes have been introduced and evaluated at different areas of the country. However, the performances of different released potato varieties were not yet assessed in the study area. To this end, the present study was undertaken with the focus on determining the adaptability of Irish potato varieties for yield and yield components. It was conducted at Kaffa zone Adiyo District in Alarigeta experimental sub-station in 2013 and 2014 Belge cropping season. Seven improved potato varieties; namely Bule, Marachare, Wochecha, Dancha, Jallanie, Gudanie and Belete were used as treatment. Treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications. Average tuber diameter, average tuber number, average tuber weight, marketable tuber number, unmarketable tuber number, total tuber number, marketable tuber yield, unmarketable yield and total tuber yield data were recorded and submitted to SAS software version 9.0. Analysis of variance for each year showed significant (p<0.05) difference among the varieties for all studied traits except Average tuber diameter and marketable tuber number in 2013 and Average tuber diameter and unmarketable tuber yield in 2014. The highest and consistent tuber yield was found in variety Belete (40.54 t/ha and 39.98 t/ha) in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Therefore, variety Belete, which was given high yield in both years, could be used instated of currently cultivating varieties to increase production and productivity of the crop for better enhancement of food security and livelihood income of the locality.

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