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Advancements in Animal Husbandry: Ensuring Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock Welfare

Grace Josia

Animal husbandry, the art and science of rearing and managing livestock, has witnessed remarkable advancements aimed at achieving sustainable agriculture and ensuring the welfare of animals. This article provides an overview of the historical evolution of animal husbandry, tracing its roots from ancient domestication practices to its modern, technologically-driven form. Contemporary animal husbandry techniques encompass genetics, nutrition, health management, and ethical considerations. Genetic selection, nutrition management, disease control, reproductive technologies, and ethical practices have collectively transformed livestock production, enhancing productivity and animal well-being. Notably, these advancements also address the environmental impact of animal agriculture through sustainable practices like rotational grazing, waste management, and efficient resource utilization. Despite the challenges posed by disease outbreaks and increasing demand, on-going research is likely to focus on innovative genetic selection, alternative protein sources, and technology integration. In conclusion, the evolution of animal husbandry reflects its critical role in ensuring sustainable food production, rural development, and responsible stewardship of livestock resources.

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