ISSN: 2329-9053



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Aging and the Control of Amino Acid Metabolism

Donghun Trepat

To investigate the latest developments in amino acid metabolism and their regulatory implications in the context of
aging, with a specific focus on addressing and treating age-related muscle loss (Sarcopenia). While the fundamental
metabolism of amino acids may remain unaffected by age, older individuals appear to exhibit a diminished capacity to
respond to anabolic signals such as insulin and, to a lesser extent, amino acids. Notably, compared to their younger
counterparts, aged individuals experience a reduced stimulation of muscle protein synthesis after consuming mixed
meals due to insulin resistance. Furthermore, the anabolic effect of amino acids seems to be less pronounced at
lower doses. Recent studies, however, suggest that these age-related alterations in amino acid metabolism can
be overcome through increased leucine provision, modifications in regular protein intake patterns, or exercise, all
of which enhance the activation of translation initiation and muscle protein synthesis. The decline in muscle mass
associated with aging is linked to significant changes in amino acid metabolism, and these changes can be acutely
reversed through dietary adjustments and physical activity. Nevertheless, extensive clinical trials are needed to
determine the clinical significance of these findings in the elderly population and to ascertain whether dietary and
exercise interventions can effectively prevent and treat sarcopenia in the long term.