ISSN: E-2314-7326



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Alzheimers Disease: The Novel Finding of Intracellular Biofilms

Herbert B Allen, Rina Allawh, Andrew Touati, Christos Katsetos and Suresh G Joshi

We previously have found biofilms in the hippocampi of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) post mortem brain specimens. We had seen them in an extracellular location and noted them to be present in the areas of pathological plaque formation. Other investigators have found the presence of spirochetes (Lyme and dental) in affected (AD) brains, and these have been correlated with Treponema pallidum. In a recent historical comparison of the pathology of syphilis, the histological findings of syphilis and AD were shown to be exactly the same. Further, spirochetes have been cultured from the affected brains and have been found to make biofilms and beta amyloid precursor protein. Utilizing the same pathological methods as in our prior study, we have found biofilms in an intracellular location. The similarity of this finding to other diseases has been presented; and, the impact of the “intra” versus the “extra” cellular location is discussed.

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