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An Experimental Evaluation of the Short-Term Phytoplankton Impacts of Silver and Bighead Carps and their Hybrids

Perschbacher PW

Both hybrids of silver and bighead carps and the parent species were evaluated for their effectiveness in reducing by filtering off-flavor cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and for impacts on phytoplankton in general. While silver carp eliminated these algae in the 48 h study, the hybrids were intermediate between the parent carps. Of the 10 planktivores evaluated in the mesocosm study at University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Aquaculture Research Station, silver carp and Nile tilapia were the most effective, and exhibited good control. Chinese carps, however, are currently more injurious in the US and invasive. In addition, silver carp cannot easily be confined in pond polyculture and will consume pellets if allowed. Nile tilapia have been raised without feeding in cages in ponds successfully.

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