ISSN: 2573-4555



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Antiviral Properties have been Investigated both In Vitro and In Vivo in Lanna Traditional Medicine

Anna Hardoerfer

Traditional medication employments a large number of plants to make restorative definitions, a few of which appear antiviral properties which will be of advantage in treating developing viral infections, counting Covid-19. Lanna,an old Kingdom in Northern Thailand, with a flourishing culture that proceeds to this day and contains a wealthy history of conventional pharmaceutical utilizing nearby plants that's still practiced nowadays. To discover potential antiviral therapeutic candidates, we inspected antiquated compositions, met conventional healers practicing nowadays,and inventoried current conventional drugs to catalogue 1400 therapeutic details utilized in Lanna conventional pharmaceutical. We at that point limited this list to discover those customarily utilized to treat illnesses that in their unique utilize and depictions most likely outline to those we know nowadays to be viral maladies. We recognized the plants utilized in these definitions to form a list of 64 potential antiviral home grown candidates drawn from this antiquated Lanna intelligence and coordinated these to the logical writing to see which of these plants had as of now been appeared to have antiviral properties, creating a list of 64 potential antiviral therapeutic candidates from Lanna conventional medication worth encourage examination for treating rising viral maladies.

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