ISSN: 2329-8863



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Association Mapping of Yellow Rust (Puccinia striiformis F. sp. tritici) Resistance in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Abera Olana, Hassen Shifa, Wuletaw Tadesse

Genetic resistance is the most economic and effective means of reducing yield losses caused by the disease. Marker-trait associations in germplasm relevant to breeding program via Association Mapping (AM) can be an effective way to identify loci useful for selection. In present study an accession penal of 123 spring bread wheat genotypes have been assembled and genotyped with 10263 SNPs markers. Further, AM analysis using a General linear model (GLM) identified three genomic region located on wheat chromosome 2A, 3A and 5B; contain 33 common significant markers at three locations which are significantly associated with genes conferring resistance to yellow rust. Mixed Linear Model (MLM), corrected for population structure and kinship relatedness and identified one common genomic regions located on chromosome 3A which are significantly associated with genes conferring resistance to yellow rust at all locations. For this reason, a constant search for new genes for resistance is required, and wild relatives of wheat may be a rich resource for identifying novel resistance genes for stripe rust. Additionally, our study highlighted the presence of valuable genetic variation that could be exploited to sustainably enhance yellow rust resistance in bread wheat, but further characterization and successful validation, diagnostic markers linked to yellow rust resistance genes can be used for breeding wheat varieties with resistance to the wheat yellow rusts.

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