ISSN: 2155-952X



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Bioactive Sol Gel Coatings Applied Using the Pneumatic Spray Technique on AISI 316L Stainless Steel

Rendón J, Toro A and Garcia C

Bioactive coatings were obtained via the sol gel method and deposited on stainless steel AISI 316L using a pneumatic spray. TEOS and MTES were used as precursors, obtaining a hybrid sol; wollastonite bioactive particles were dispersed inside the sol. The corrosion resistance of the coatings was tested with potentiodynamic curves after immersion of the coatings in SBF for 7 and 40 days. It was possible to obtain coatings with a thickness of 47.7 ± 8 μm. In comparison with other methods of deposition, it was possible to obtain thicker coatings with the pneumatic spray deposition technique, giving the substrate a better protection factor against corrosion. After immersion in SBF (simulated physiologic fluid), the formation of an appetite film on the surface and inside the pores was observed. Deposition of the apatite film helps to promote Osseo integration, and the product formation inside the pores helps to improve corrosion resistance of the substrate.

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