当社グループは 3,000 以上の世界的なカンファレンスシリーズ 米国、ヨーロッパ、世界中で毎年イベントが開催されます。 1,000 のより科学的な学会からの支援を受けたアジア および 700 以上の オープン アクセスを発行ジャーナルには 50,000 人以上の著名人が掲載されており、科学者が編集委員として名高い
700 ジャーナル と 15,000,000 人の読者 各ジャーナルは 25,000 人以上の読者を獲得
Rajarshi Banik
Being an indigenous carp Labeo calbasu is preferred in the fish market of different corners of India. In the present studies biochemistry profile of the fish species at its different life cycle stages has been found out. The digestive enzyme activity in Labeo calbasu shows the effective role of amylase (1014.0 in activity unit per 100 g fish body weight) and trypsin (62.00 in activity unit per 100 g fish body weight). With examination of faecal matter from its stomach, fore-gut, hind-gut and anus area the fish species shows variation of apparent digestibility coefficient during its fingerling and adult stage as well. Fingerling stage of the fish depicts excretion of 20% protein in the faecal matter while adult stage showing excretion of 40% protein in the faeces. Metabolic faecal protein during the adult stage of the fish amounting 3.6 g/100g of the food consumed. So, the true digestibility coefficient of the protein is about 100% and the amount of food ingested by the adult fish is 100g. Therefore, out of 100% protein availability in the consumed food the metabolic protein has been 3.6 g, digestible protein is 96.4 g while the apparent digestible coefficient is 96.4%. When the adult fish sample is being provided rice powder as feed at different quantities the digestibility coefficient % also found to be varied. When feeding level has been 2 g/fish/day the nutrient composition has been 86.2% protein, 87.66% lipids, 86.78% fibres and 88.12% nitrogen free extracts. Similarly, the digestibility coefficient% varies in relation to the variations of nutrient composition. During experiment on carbohydrate metabolism the adult fish shows presence of 4.28 mg/100g of liver glycogen at control condition. While during treatment with glucagon the liver glycogen decreased to about 3.36 mg/100g. When treated with 3-mercaptopiconilic acid the liver glycogen decreased to about 2.28 mg/100g and further decreased to about 2.26 mg/100g when treated with glucagon and 3-mercaptopiconilic acid.