ISSN: 2165-7025



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Constructive Learning Theory: Exploring the Possibilities for this Interactive Teaching Learning Methods in Physiotherapy Education

Swati Meshram

This commentary discusses the significance of application of Constructive learning theory (CLT) in physiotherapy education. It relates a reviewed article based on examining the values and strategies of CLT in physiotherapy education and practice. The proposition for the use of this unexplored theory for its application in physiotherapy education was sound and innovative. Yet certain critical areas required an explicit explanation to strengthen the future enlistment of CLT in physiotherapy education. Although the original article was a review, certain serious issues were noted in the submitted manuscript where author had discussed only theoretical aspects without any backing of evidences or providing any ground to strengthen the rationale for its use in field of health sciences and furthermore in the field of physiotherapy. The strategies to conceptualize the Constructive learning theory in advancing the education and ultimately clinical practice in education model needed to be highlighted. Hence this short commentary aims to provide an understanding of this novel theory and a basic ground for the future inspection and relevance to health education, especially in the field of physiotherapy. Also, this commentary attempts to bridge a gap between the theoretical aspects of CLT and possibilities of its adoption on the basis of evidences for the compatible area of physiotherapy education model and curriculum. The commentary focuses to acquaint the readers about the theory and its adaptation in varied educational fields with the substantial research evidence base. The objective of this commentary is to encourage the potential researchers to undertake and employ this theory with pertinent study design to provide an evidence base for its persuasion in the field of physiotherapy.

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