ISSN: 2329-6879



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Cytogenetic Biomonitoring of Waste Pickers in Onitsha Municipal Dumpsites, with Micronuclei Test in Buccal Epithelia Cells

Ugokwe Collins Ugonna, Okafor Fabian Chukwuemenam, Okeke, Peter Chukwunwedu, Obagha Scholastica Adachukwu, Obagha Scholastica Adachukwu, Ugokwe Innocent Nzubechukwu

The genotoxic effects, using the micronucleus (MN) test of buccal cells was evaluated in waste pickers working on two major dumpsites (Fegge and Obosi dumpsites) in Onitsha municipal. Sixty waste pickers (30 from each dumpsite) and 30 control individuals of either sex, in the age range of 18 to 54 years participated in the study after giving informed consent. Buccal cells were collected from the buccal mucosa of each participant using sterile wooden spatula. Frequencies of MN and nuclear abnormalities (NA) in 2000 cell were scored for each individual. Significant (P<0.05) increase in the frequencies of MN and NA were observed in buccal epithelial cells of waste pickers from the two studied dumpsites compared with the control. Significant correlation between sex, age, working hours and years was established with the formation of MN and NA in waste pickers. This study revealed that waste pickers might possibly be at risk of cytogenetic damage from exposure to mixture of pollutants in the dumpsites.


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