ISSN: E-2314-7326



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Depression, Anxiety, and Hopelessness in Patients with Chikungunya Fever in Brazil

Hugo André de Lima Martins, Camila Cordeiro dos Santos, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas, Everton Botelho Sougey and Marcelo Moraes Valença

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus found worldwide that is now, with a very large outbreak mostly in the northeast of the country, an emerging disease in Brazil. This study consisted of a series of 18 females and two male patients, with ages ranging from 31 to 87 years and a mean age of 54. The patients presented anxiety or depressive symptoms that emerged during the acute phase of CHIKV infection and remained for at least one year. For the purpose of statistical comparisons, a control group was formed of 15 females and five male individuals without CHIKV infection and aged from 29 to 72 and a mean age of 48. Anxiety, depression, and hopelessness symptoms were prevalent in patients one year after CHIKV infection.

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