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Determinants of Adoption of Improved Forage Technologies: The Case of Sidama Regional State, Gedeo Zone and Halaba Special District, Ethiopia

Tizazu Toma Dilebo

Various forage technologies have been introduced and disseminated in Sidama regional state, Gedeo zone, and Hallaba special district. However, the level of adoption was not as the effort made by different stakeholders. Therefore, studying on adoption determinants of improved forage technology is found to be significant to understand the gap and put directions to improve adoption. The objectives of this study were identifying determinants of farmers’ decision to adopt improved forage technologies; intensity of adoption, and opportunities and constraints related to forage adoption. To achieve these objectives, data were collected from 240 farm households selected by multi stage sampling procedure. Both descriptive and econometric model were employed to analyze the data collected. The result indicated that government support, good weather condition, and experience in improved forage production were identified as opportunities in improved forage technologies adoption. Supply of unneeded forage materials, Low market demand, unfair distribution of planting materials, lack of training, market information and extension contact were found to be constraints in forage technologies adoption. Out of 14 variables hypothesized, only 5, namely total income, total landholding (ln), needed forage material supply, extension contact and distance to FTC were found to be significantly affecting farmer’s decision to adopt improved forage technologies. In addition, the level/intensity of adoption, was affected by sixth variable (market demand). The study recommended the supply of suitable forage varieties, awareness creation and training on how to produce forage without competing for scarce land and provide forage seeds with low costs.

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