ISSN: 2161-1165

疫学: オープンアクセス


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Developing a Medical Student Field Epidemiology Elective in Kenya: A Strategy to Increase Workforce Capability and Public Health Knowledge

West Arvelo

This article proposes the introduction of a field epidemiology elective within the medical curriculum in Kenya as a
strategic measure to enhance public health awareness and workforce capacity. With a dual focus on infectious and noncommunicable
diseases, the rationale for this elective lies in providing experiential learning, fostering interdisciplinary
collaboration, and promoting community engagement. The potential benefits include the development of enhanced
epidemiological skills, increased public health advocacy among medical professionals, and diversification of medical
careers. Recognizing challenges such as limited resources and the need for curricular integration, the article suggests
mitigation strategies. Overall, this initiative aims to cultivate a cadre of physicians equipped with the necessary skills to
contribute effectively to public health initiatives in Kenya.