ISSN: 2329-8863



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Distribution and Importance of Striga Hermonthica on Tef [Eragrostis Tef (Zucc.) Trotter] in Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia

Gebrekidan Feleke* , and Shugute Addisu

In Tigray, the problem of Striga was historically associated with the cereal culture mainly crops such as sorghum, maize and finger millet. Recently, this parasitic weed is expanding its host range and becoming increasingly important on other crops including tef and several wild kinds of grass. A Survey was conducted in 2016/17 main cropping season; to assess the distribution and importance of Striga hermonthica infesting on tef production areas and to record the Striga hermonthica infestation level and severity on tef production. The survey was done around 5-10 km interval along the main road which are accessible for a vehicle. At each sampling area, 2m × 2m sampling was taken to estimates of the average Striga population density (number/m2 ). As a result, the distribution and severity of Striga were highest in the Central followed by the Northwest and Eastern Zones. The overall Striga incidence in 32 tef field samples from districts with Striga was 90.6%. The highest density of Striga shoots per m2 was recorded at Tahtay Maychew followed by Lailay Maychew, Tahtay Koraro and Adwa respectively. In addition to Striga infestation, Setaria pumila and Phalaris paradoxa were the most frequent and dominant weed species in the surveyed areas of tef. Therefore, to minimize and manage the spread of Striga hermonthica infestation on tef all stakeholders should collaborate through participatory approaches and adopt appropriate measures.

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