ISSN: 2329-8863



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Effect of Cropping Sequence on Agricultural Crops: Implications for Productivity and Utilization of Natural Resources

Fisseha Negash, Tewodros Mulualem and Kalkidan Fikirie

Offensive land uses system with continuous growing of similar crops on the same land largely affect soil physical condition, crop development and had big concerns on long term adverse effects of environmental pollution. The choice of sequence highly based on agricultural system, finance and environmental condition. Conventional monoculture agricultural systems can reduce the soil organic matter contents and structures. The accumulation of crop residues with frequent inclusion of pulse crops in a rotation is vital to improve the biochemical and physical properties of the soil via increasing the labile of organic matter. Surface residue of crops is one of the most effective erosion control measures and increase soil moisture content. Different crops have dissimilar growth and development periods thus, one crop may provide protection from erosive forces during a period of the year and the other may not. Besides, crop rotation combines with different management practices are essential to improve the physical, chemical, biological properties of the soil and thereby control erosion and to maximize crop yield by maintain soil moisture and control disease and pests infestation.

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