ISSN: 2329-8863



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Effect of Fodder Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Green Manure on Potato Wilt, Growth and Yield Parameters

Hayfa Jabnoun-Khiareddine, Rania Aydi Ben Abdallah, Ayed Fakher, Mouna Gueddes-Chahed, Ahmed Hajlaoui, Samir Ben Salem, Wissem Ben Dhia and Mejda Daami-Remadi

Potato is threatened by several soil-borne fungi causing wilt and root rots. In this study, two fodder radish (Raphanus sativus L.) (FR) cultivars (cvs. Boss and Defender), used as green manure preceding a potato crop, were evaluated for their suppressive effects against wilt incidence and severity, potato growth and yield as compared to animal manure. The essay was carried out in a completely randomised design with three types of organic amendment and two potato cultivars (cvs. Spunta and Royal). Incidence of potato wilting noted 100 days post planting (DPP) was high, exceeding 70%, for all soil amendments tested. The extent of vascular discoloration varied depending on amendments used where cv. Defender behaved as the control while the highest extent was noted on potato plants grown in cv. Boss amended plots. As compared to animal manure, the application of cvs. Boss and Defender had increased by 48.43 and 41.28% the incidence of vascular discoloration on cv. Spunta, respectively, while on cv. Royal, only cv. Defender had reduced this parameter by 16.32%. Fungal isolations performed from roots and stems revealed the involvement of several soil-borne pathogens in the recorded plant wilting. Soil manuring using cvs. Boss and Defender FR resulted in significant increment in average stem number per plant and aerial part fresh weight by 22.79 and 21.32% and by 34.62 and 27.03%, respectively, as compared to animal manure. At 100 DPP, potato root fresh weight increase by 8.7 and 33.49% was noted on cv. Spunta compared to 30.34 and 23.48% recorded on cv. Royal. Potato tuber yield was improved by 38.28 and 10.7% and by 28.44 and 27.62% in cvs. Spunta and Royal, respectively, relative to animal manure. The use of FR as green manure may be implemented in the integrated management of soil-borne diseases for the enhancement of potato yield.

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