ISSN: 2329-6879



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Establishment of a Risk Management Strategy in the Field of Kazakhstan's Republic Industrial Safety

Tahir Cagin

The goal of the work is to create a system that enables information processing for analysis and industrial risk management, to track the level of industrial safety, and to take the necessary precautions to avoid accidents, fatalities, and the emergence of occupational diseases for efficient management of industrial safety at risky industrial sites. Expert assessments are used to determine the risk of accidents and incidents. A unified information and analytical database is created and incorporated in the final interrogation questions based on the experts' lists of criteria parameters and their potential values. Statistical techniques are used to assess the risk of occupational illnesses and injuries. The investigation led to the development of Guidelines for Risk Management for Hazardous. Industrial locations inside Kazakhstan's republic. It is possible to use the Guidelines as a methodological foundation for developing preventative measures for crises, casualties, and in-the-workplace accidents. The Guidelines define the directions and techniques of complicated assessments of the condition of industrial safety and labour protection. Incidents at risky industrial locations utilizing a risk level assessment information-analytical system enables. Analyze the level of risk associated with potential accidents at industrial sites, make wise management decisions intended to avert emergencies, and keep an eye on the success of accident prevention measures.

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