ISSN: 2329-8863



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Genetic Diversity Studies in Mungbean (Vigna ridiata (L.) Wilezek )

M H Khan, S A Dar, Junaid Hussain, Niyaz A Dar, Syed Mehvish, Arbaz Qayoom, Azra Khan, Uzma Fayaz

The present investigation was undertaken to assess the genetic diversity of fifty-one diverse genotypes for the yield, yield related and quality traits in mungbean. The observations were recorded on 13 morphological / quality attributes. Results of the analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all the characters studied and thereby offering an ample opportunity for selecting suitable genotypes with desired traits. Based on diversity studies, all the 51 genotypes were grouped into 9 clusters, with Cluster I having the maximum number of genotypes (21) which was followed by Cluster II (9 genotypes) and Cluster IV (8 genotypes) while Clusters III, VI, VIII, and IX showed solitary nature with 1 genotype each. Cluster mean for cluster VI surpassed the population mean for most of the yield contributing characters viz., - primary branches plant-1, clusters plant-1, pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, 100 seed weight, seed yield plant-1, biological yield plant-1 and harvest index. Maximum intra cluster distance was recorded in cluster VII (247.06). Similarly, highest inter-cluster distance was recorded between cluster IX and cluster II while the lowest inter-cluster distance was recorded between cluster VIII and cluster III (154.53). The highest contribution towards divergence was shown by pod length (27.18%) while as the minimum contribution towards divergence was shown by harvest index (0.62). However, the genotypes viz., MH-560, HUM-16, MH-919, MH-421, Satya, MH-2-15, Pusa-95, IPM-02-03, MH-534, and MH-934 showed the superior per se performance as well as the most diverse genotypes and thus could be utilized as potent parents for exploitation in further breeding programme to get better heterotic combinations.

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