ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X



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Giant Hidradenoma of Limbs: A Report of Two Pediatric Cases

Zied Jlalia, Sami Bahroun, Khaled Kamoun, Mourad Jenzri and Mahmoud Smida

Hidradenoma is a rare benign tumor that develops of the eccrine sweat glands. We report here two cases of benign giant hidradenoma with a clear cell variant in one case and nodular in the other. The tumor was localized on the forearm in a patient aged 6 years and in the foot in a 14-year-old child. An excisional biopsy was performed in both patients. Evolution was marked by a good outcome without recurrence. We try through this paper to review an uncommon tumor which his eccrine origin is controversial and which biological behavior was badly known.

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