ISSN: 2329-8863



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Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) under Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) Green Manure Fertilization

Tamba Kaigbanja, Maurice Baimba Kargbo and Eela Barrie

Growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) under guinea grass (panicum maximum) green manure fertilization was studied in a loamy sand upland soil at the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science Technology Makeni University College Campus Farm using the variety (Zea mays L. cv: DMR-ESR-Yellow). Six treatments (No fertilizer, 200 kg ha-1 NPK 15:15:15, 5 t ha-1 Guinea grass green manure, 10 t ha-1 Guinea grass green manure, 15 t ha-1 Guinea grass green manure, and 20 t ha-1 Guinea grass green manure) were experimented using a randomized complete block design with each treatment replicated four times, giving a total of twenty-four plots. There were significant differences between treatments for plant height, stem girth, number of leaves, leaf area, dry root weight and grain yield. There was no significant difference between the 200 kg ha-1 NPK 15:15:15 and No fertilizer treatments. The 200 kg ha-1 NPK 15:15:15 treatment gave the lowest increase in grain yield compared with the green manure treatments. Maize grain yield progressively increased from the 5 t ha-1 to the 15 t ha-1 Guinea grass green manure rate, but declined at 20 t ha-1 manure rate. The 15 t ha-1 manure application gave the highest grain yield, leaf area, stem-diameter, and plant height, and was recommended best suited for use for economic and environmental considerations.

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