ISSN: 2376-127X



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Impacts of Antenatal Care and Maternal Health Literacy on Pregnancy Outcomes

Tuba Mustafa

Major purpose of the current study was to explore the role of antenatal care and parenting literacy in pregnancy outcomes. A survey was conducted from mothers who were not currently pregnant and information was attained about their last pregnancy outcomes. Data was attained from 301 mothers about the parenting literacy, time of first antenatal care visit, antenatal visits number and complications faced by the respondents in the duration of last pregnancy. Data was collected from the legal colonies of district Sheikhupura, Punjab. Binary logistic regression was used to explore the predictive association among maternal health literacy, antenatal care and pregnancy outcomes. Findings of the present research explore that only pregnancy related problems found a strong predictor of pregnancy results. Majority of the respondents in the current study were stated that they have only done with their matric therefore maternal health literacy rate was not very satisfactory. Number of antenatal care visits and maternal health literacy did not observe as the predictors of pregnancy outcomes. The findings of this study suggest that education needs to be focused to improve maternal health. Policy level interventions are needed to increase enrolment ratio of females in educational institutions to address the importance of antenatal care.

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