ISSN: 2329-8863



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Impacts of Heat Stress on Wheat: A Critical Review

Farhat Yasmeen, Naveed Iqbal Raja, Muhammad Iqbal, Mubashir Hussain, Muhammad Ejaz and Sumaira Aslam

A brief review is given of investigations on stress-induced alterations in the yield of different biochemical contents in wheat. Wheat is major cereal crop for fulfilling the calories demands of growing population. Alterations in the worldwide climate are predicted to have critical sentence for crop production. Abiotic stresses such as heat and drought are major abiotic stresses restraining crop production. Heat stress reduces wheat growth by upsetting various physiological and biochemical processes and the developmental stage of the plant is critical in demonstrating the vulnerability of various species and cultivars subjected to high temperature. Heat stress did not affect the protein content but there is strong correlation between leaf nitrogen content and grain protein content. Induction of HSPs seems to be the universal response and adaptation to temperature stress. The synthesis of HSPs is believed to play significant role either in preventing or minimizing the adverse effects of high temperature both at molecular and cellular levels. Wheat has the tendency to adopt diverse types of responses to temperature stress as well as a heat shock by developing thermo-tolerance for the enhancement of the grain quality and yield.

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