ISSN: 2155-952X



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In vitro Regeneration of Multipurpose Medicinal Tree Stereospermum Suaveolens-Factors Controlling the In Vitro Regeneration

Susmita Shukla, S.K Shukla and S.K. Mishra

Stereospermum suaveolens (DC.) is a multipurpose tree endowed with medicinal properties and good timber wood quality. It has analgesic and wound healing property. It is one of the important tree species used in the preparation of ayurvedic formulation known as Dashmula, in which roots of Dashmula tree species are used in preparation of ayurvedic formulations. Wood is employed for construction work, planks and beam, carts, carriages and wagons, furniture, cabinet work and tool handles. The destruction of this plant species is severe and planting of seedlings is almost negligible. Due to low germination and unsuccessful vegetative propagation, in vitro regeneration of Stereospermum suaveolens through micropropagation was studied as a tool for large scale propagation. In the present study, shoots were initiated from the nodal segments of Stereospermum suaveolens further shoot proliferation was achieved on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of cytokinins and additives.100% root initiation was achieved in the MS medium supplemented with IBA. Different substrates were evaluated during hardening phase. The plants of S. suaveolens grown on coco peat showed 84.6 percent survival and those on soil mixture showed 76.47 percent survival.

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