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Influence of Bio-inoculants on the performance of Sugarcane Transplants

Geetha Ponnaiyan

An experiment was conducted to study the effect of sett treatment with bio-inoculants using sett treatment devises at ICAR- Sugarcane Breeding Institute farm, during 2018. The experiment consists of 5 varieties (Co  86032, Co 86011, Co 2001-13, Co 8371 and Co 0403) and 5 bio-inoculants (Plain water, Pink Pigmented Facultative Microbes (PPFM), Asosprillum, Beijernika and Frateuria guaranty). The results indicated that among the bio-in- inoculants treated, Pink Pigmented Facultative Microbes (PPFM), has recorded higher germination (58.2%) at 10th day of planting, however, Berjernika has recorded higher germination (70%) at 20th day of planting. Sett treatment with bio-inoculants in Sett Treatment Devise had a significant influence on settling vigour of both the single bud and bud chips. The bio-inoculant Beijernika has recorded higher settling vigour with single bud setts (4279) and bud chip settlings respectively on a fresh weight basis (2385).

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