ISSN: 2576-1463



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700 ジャーナル 15,000,000 人の読者 各ジャーナルは 25,000 人以上の読者を獲得


Mini Hydro Restoration, Case of Extraordinary Competition: Real Case Report

Elena Carcano, Brian N Drelan

This study deals with the task of restoring a small hydropower plant located in Italy next to the French coast. Two similar projects, belonging to two different companies, have been advanced. The local Authorities and law according to the Italian Royal Act dated 1933 allow two or more proposals to be in competition into 30 days, alternatively known as ordinary competition. But after this 30 days the latest proposal presented has to demonstrate and added value in order to be selected and win the competition. The bonus is generally referred to the better quality of water released to fulfil environmental flow assessment and protection of the river course in face of the given withdrawn. Another plus is represented by the agreement an areas where the plant should be placed, namely an agreement between and stakeholders.

The article under study according to the royal law (RD 1933), clearly states

❖ Among different and rival proposals the one selected is the one which presents the most rational use of hydric sources according to the given criteria

❖ Actual satisfaction level of the essential needs of the concurrent also considering water public services of acqueduct or irrigation purposes.

❖ Better possibilities of water respect the given usage

❖ Quantitative and qualitative safeguards of the river body

❖ The amount of released water should be more than the one withdrawn

Among all other criteria the selected proposal is the one which guarantees best economic and technical conditions to be built. For sure all the above mentioned criteria are very realistic and are completely shareable.

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