ISSN: 2375-4494



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Multiple Riskfactors in Multiproblem Families? A Retrospective File Study

Henk Jan Kolthof, Martijn J Kikkert and Jack Dekker

Objective: The accumulation of risk factors in multiproblem families increases the risk of developing psychopathology in children. This study describes the risk factors and characteristics of a sample of families in an intensive outreach care programme for multiproblem families with children aged 12 or younger, and in which the parent and/or child has psychiatric problems. Methods: In this study we used a self-developed questionnaire that measures the presence of risk factors at the level of the mother, any cohabiting partner and the family. It is a retrospective file study covering a period of two years and describing 48 families. Results: We find that psychosocial problems, more prevalent in large cities, appear to accumulate in the group of clients being treated. There is an accumulation of risk factors that jeopardise the proper psychosocial and physical development of children. In this population, an average of seven risk factors per family were found, alongside a high percentage of domestic violence, inadequate basic care, inadequate physical safety and a lack of parenting skills. Conclusions: A well-designed intensive outreach care programme that pays attention to these risk factors seems to be indicated for this group of clients.

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