ISSN: 2329-6879



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Noise Induced Work Places and Noise Related Occupational Risks

Dilsad Akal

Noise is broadly defined as unwanted sound that generally prevents people from performing at maximum ability and efficiency. Following air and water pollution, noise pollution is the third most critical environmental subject. Noise can be industrial noise, military noise, traffic noise, other kinds of environmental sourced noises, etc. Exposing noise by such ways, can result in increased nervous tension with associated psychological effects, some impairments to the audio-sensory mechanism, and lead to premature and/or permanent loss of hearing.

Statistics show that among worldwide, exposing the high doses of noise, hearing loss and tinnitus are significant public health issues and the prevalence of these conditions among employees in industry is significantly greater than the general public. This study is a compilation of literature which presents noisy work places, negative effects of noise on workers’ health and the prevention plan of negative effects. In this research, the current situation about noise exposure in work places and its negative effects on workers are presented according to the statics and literature in Turkey and around world. After drawing the present frame of the picture, some recommendations will be given in order to prevent noise exposure and its negative side effects in industry.

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