ISSN: 2471-9846



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Nursing Care in Geropsychiatric

Tilahun Balina

Neuropsychiatric nursing (GPN) has been characterized by the GPN Collaborative1,2 as the holistic bolster for the care of more seasoned grown-ups and their families as they expect and/or involvement developmental and cognitive challenges, mental health concerns, and psychiatric/substance abuse disorders over a assortment of health and mental wellbeing care settings.1 The GPN Collaborative was begun by a gather of leaders in GPN, Drs Cornelia Beck, Kitty Buckwalter and Lois Evans funded by the John A Hartford Establishment to upgrade the cognitive and mental health of older grown-ups through Geropsychiatric Nurses.3 This definition of GPN is purposively wide to encompass the integration of geropsychiatric care over the continuum of care.

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