ISSN: 2375-4494



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Nutritional Reflection on Growth and Development among Intellectual Disabled Children

Marwa Nasr, Howaida H El Gebaly, Salah Mostafa, Rania Samy and Mageda Ramzy

Background: There are many factors contribute with process of CNS development, starting from fetus stage. Many studies revealed that there is a strong relationship between neurodevelopmental delay, neuro-disability, and malnutrition. Socioeconomic and demographic factors have an impact on children growth and development. This clinic-based study aimed to detect nutritional problems and its reflection on growth and mental development through determination of the nutritional profile among disabled children. Methods: All subjects underwent specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. All subjects were exposed to the following clinical assessment: history taking include age, sex, onset and duration of disorder and family history. Assessment of nutritional status using developmental nutritional questionnaire which includes: Demographic and socioeconomic data: age, gender. WHO anthropometric measurement protocol used: BMI were calculated as the weight in kg divided by the height square in meters (WHO, 1996) 24 hr dietary recalls were collected using the Multiple Pass Food Recall (MPR) method which is a 5 step approach, developed by the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). Sheet of 24hour recalls were collected for each participant. Full clinical examination was carried out. Complete blood count with differential leucocytic count, IQ test: using Stanford-bennet 5th edition was carried out. Results: Significant difference in the residential places between the two groups of lower and higher IQ. The birth order is significantly related to level of IQ in children. The gross motor development is delayed in the lower IQ group of children, increased hyperactivity tends to be more prevalent in higher IQ children. The TLC level is inversely proportional with IQ value. p=0.01 the correlation is highly significant. By applying food analysis there is significant difference in the elements they get between the two groups of children (of lower and higher IQ). Multiple analysis showed significant relationship between orientation and zinc intake with IQ of children. Conclusion: Intellectual disability is more prevalent in rural and popular residential. As the birth order increase the percentage of lower IQ increase. The gross motor development is directly proportional with IQ. The total leukocytic count was higher value for low IQ children group. Dietary profile for Intellectual disabled children (of lower IQ) is regarded to be richer with dietary elements and vitamins than that for higher IQ children. According to the multiple analysis orientation and zinc intake are the most effective variables on the IQ scores.

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