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Percutaneous Bunionette Correction: A Cadaveric Study

Frederick Michels, Stéphane Guillo, Guillaume Cordier, Nikita Stevens, Arne Burssens

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate a percutaneous technique to treat a bunionette deformity.
Methods: Twenty-four lower extremity cadaveric specimens were used. An osteotaomy of the fifth metatarsal was performed using a standardised technique. Sixteen specimens were treated by a surgeon with experience in percutaneous foot surgery, the other 8 specimens were treated by an inexperienced surgeon. The feasibility to perform the technique and the risk of iatrogenic lesions to the surrounding structures was assessed.
Results: The inter-digital nerves were intact in all specimens. In one of the specimens a partial rupture of the extensor tendon was found. The osteotomies were performed in the desired plane. The technique performed by the inexperienced surgeon had similar results to the technique of the experienced surgeon.
Conclusion: The described technique, which involves a percutaneous osteotomy of the fifth metatarsal is a viable option to treat bunionette deformity. This technique is reproducible and safe with regard to the surrounding anatomic structures. The learning curve is low.

免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されており、まだレビューまたは確認されていません。