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Policies and Drawbacks of the US Meatpacking Industry

Grace Gerwe

The consumption of meat has been a part of the human diet since about 2.6 million years ago. Having evolved over centuries alongside the human species, it is now deeply tied to various cultures around the world. This includes American culture, as meat is one of the fundamental components of the Standard American Diet, made up of traditionally unhealthy food choices too high in sugars and processed foods. Even amidst the increasing popularity of veganism and a shift towards more plant-based dietary changes, meat consumption has not and will not be completely eliminated in the near future, and can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle for its multiple health benefits when consumed in moderation. As the largest segment of US agriculture, the meat and poultry industry is a defining part of the American food system. This highlights the importance of understanding the primary laws and regulations governing meatpacking. The need is greater than ever to ensure that these policies are positively impacting the consumer, the environment and the farmers themselves, especially small, independent farmers, which are generally less favored in an oligopolistic economic system. While the regulations in place provide ample structure, detailed guidelines and specific policies for maintaining the necessary health and safety standards involved in meatpacking, their complicated structure imposes regulatory difficulties on independent farmers, limits consumer choice, and chokes small-scale production.

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