ISSN: 2329-8863



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Pre-Extension Demonstration of Faba Bean Variety with its Full Packages in Gamo Gofa Zone, SNNPRs, Ethiopia

Solomon Yokamo, Melese Ejamo, Tsebaye Tsalla, Anteneh Bulke

Participatory pre extension demonstration of faba bean variety was conducted in Bonke and Chencha Woreda at three Kebele and 24 farmers field on 100 m2 area of demonstration plots. All necessary inputs were delivered to farmers from Arbaminch agricultural research center. Farmers were trained and well capacitated by relevant researchers. After the provision of training, farmers sown the seeds on their farm and regular follow-up was undertaken by researchers. For the sake of to promote the technology to large scale field days was organized and farmer selected the variety according to their preference criteria and select dosha variety over local as better. The yield performance shows that dosha gave better yield (2.55 tons per hectare) than local variety (2.12 tons per hectare). To enhance diffusion and adoption of the variety, it is better to scale up dosha variety.

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