ISSN: 2573-4555



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Primary Prevention of Allergic Diseases: Dreams or Reality?

Olena Nikolaivna Okhotnikova, Olena Viktorivna Sharikadze and Serhii Dmitrievich Yuriev

Prevention is better than cure. Firstly, many regimes spend an enormous amount of money in order to treat their people who are suffering from different types of serious diseases. This article is an attempt to analyze of the existing international sources, which focuses on the primary prevention allergy. It is clear that the basis of such prevention is prophylaxes of the disease before it showed up. This is a very difficult question, because there are different points of view on the possibility of the prevention allergy today. The main purpose of this review is to summarize evidence base scientific data and researching results for the possibility of providing recommendations on primary prevention of childhood allergies. We would like to increase knowledge about the development of the allergic process, the ability to recognize and evaluate risk factors and all the factors of the next sensitization will enable us to better understand the tactics of prophylaxis allergic diseases.

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