当社グループは 3,000 以上の世界的なカンファレンスシリーズ 米国、ヨーロッパ、世界中で毎年イベントが開催されます。 1,000 のより科学的な学会からの支援を受けたアジア および 700 以上の オープン アクセスを発行ジャーナルには 50,000 人以上の著名人が掲載されており、科学者が編集委員として名高い

700 ジャーナル 15,000,000 人の読者 各ジャーナルは 25,000 人以上の読者を獲得


Resveratrol-Mediated Protection via Hypoxia-Inducible Factor

Hossein Rafiei

Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) is a dimeric protein complex that involves the body's response to hypoxia or low oxygen concentrations. The HIF pathway is induced due to insufficiency in oxygen supply into cells and tissues. It has been proposed that HIF signalling pathway contributes to the development of pathological conditions, particularly cancer. Therefore, there have been attempts to target HIF signalling pathway to inhibit the development of pathological conditions. Plant derived chemicals have shown a promising profile due to their common side effects and significant pharmacological effects. Resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenol exclusively found in plants such as grapes and peanuts. Resveratrol has a variety of biological and therapeutic activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, anti-tumor and anti-diabetic. In the present review, we focus on the modulatory effect of resveratrol on the HIF pathway and its relationship with its protective and anti-tumor effects.