当社グループは 3,000 以上の世界的なカンファレンスシリーズ 米国、ヨーロッパ、世界中で毎年イベントが開催されます。 1,000 のより科学的な学会からの支援を受けたアジア および 700 以上の オープン アクセスを発行ジャーナルには 50,000 人以上の著名人が掲載されており、科学者が編集委員として名高い
700 ジャーナル と 15,000,000 人の読者 各ジャーナルは 25,000 人以上の読者を獲得
Heleba S
The concept of slavery and slavery-like practices can cover a range of practices, including forced labour, exploitative child labour, descent based slavery, forced or servile marriage, and human trafficking. They all have in common an inability for the individual to leave a workplace or slave master at their own free will. Article 4 of the UDHR asserts that no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.This prohibition has been reaffirmed in a range of treaty provisions: Article 8 of the ICCPR, Article 5 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Article 6 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Article 10 of the Arab Charter on Human Rights, Article 13 of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Human Rights Declaration, and Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights.