ISSN: 2161-1165

疫学: オープンアクセス


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Risk Factors for HIV Infection among Thai Young Men Aged 21-23 Years

Boonterm Saengdidtha, Ram Rangsin, Hatairat Kaoaiem and Orausa Sathityudhakarn

Background: Young men are a highly susceptible group for HIV infection. This study aimed to identify HIV risk factors among Thai young men aged 21-23 years for appropriate preventive interventions.

Methods: A case control study was conducted among 240 HIV positive and 240 HIV negative young men matched for residential areas, using a 6-part questionnaire booklet, consisting of demographic data, addictive behaviors, sexual behaviors, HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude, condom knowledge, attitude and practice and psychosocial data. The SPSS version 10 software were used for data analysis.

Results: From univariate analysis, the significant risk factors were: urban housing area (OR=1.61); labor occupation (OR=1.70); income of more than 2000 Baht/month (OR=1.74); early secondary level of education and lower (OR=2.71); smoking (OR=2.46); alcohol use (OR=1.61); marijuana use (OR=4.57); amphetamine use (OR=3.44); heroin use (OR=9.32); alcohol use before sex (OR=1.74); drug use before sex (OR=3.76); IDU (OR=6.02); needle sharing (OR=5.80); first sex with female sex workers (FSWs) (OR=3.52); having more than 3 lifetime sex partners (OR=2.14); history of anal sex (OR=2.25); history of STDs (OR=2.80); HIV risk perception (OR=1.61); high speed driving preference (OR=2.73); unability of safe sex talk with partners (OR=1.78); unworrying about HIV (OR=2.28). From multiple logistic regression analysis, the variables found to be predictive of HIV positivity were: income of more than 2000 Baht/month (OR=1.94, 95% CI=1.13, 3.31); heroin use (OR=4.18, 95% CI=1.03, 16.89); drug use before sex (OR=2.20, 95 % CI=1.13, 4.29); first sex with FSWs (OR=3.47, 95 % CI=1.69, 7.13); HIV risk perception (OR=1.86, 95% CI=1.07, 3.25); unworrying about HIV (OR=1.88, 95% CI=1.16, 3.07).

Conclusions: The HIV risk factors can be used for intervention programs for HIV prevention and develop a risk assessment scale to indicate which young men are at-risk for HIV infection and should be educated or counseled to reduce their risks.

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