ISSN: E-2314-7326



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Sinogenic Complications Involving Orbit, Frontal Sinus, Anterior and Middle Cranial Fossa Treated Using Endoscopic Techniques

Krzysztof Oles, Jacek Skladzien, Joanna Leszczynska, Krzysztof Bartus and Joanna Mika

The purpose of this study was to determine the treatment modalities with sinogenic complications. We present a retrospective assessment of 11 patients who developed various types of complications, including an abscess within the temporal bone pyramid, frontal sinus and orbital mucocele, and a subperiosteal abscess with orbital apex syndrome. Three patients have suffered from decreased visual acuity of one eye during the course of chronic sinusitis. Six of the eleven patients had a history of earlier surgeries from external access sites. All patients were treated with Expanded Endonosal Approach at the Otolaryngology Clinic of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. Postoperative follow-up periods were 1 to 5 years. All patients were treated with empirical antibiotic therapy, glucocorticoids and antithrombotics during the peri- and postoperative periods. Postoperative improvement was observed in all patients. No orbital or neurological complications were observed due to the surgical procedure. Summing up, untreated chronic paranasal sinusitis may lead to severe orbital and intracranial complications. Transnasal endoscopy is the gold standard for the treatment of sinogenic complications.

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