ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X



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700 ジャーナル 15,000,000 人の読者 各ジャーナルは 25,000 人以上の読者を獲得


Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Children: Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches

Jaspers Siring*

Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) in children is a rare and diverse group of cancers that pose unique diagnostic and treatment challenges. This article explores the current approaches to diagnosing and treating soft tissue sarcoma in pediatric patients. Diagnosis of STS in children involves a comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary team, including pediatric oncologists, pathologists, and radiologists. Physical examinations, medical history reviews, and imaging studies aid in assessing tumor characteristics and determining the appropriate biopsy for accurate diagnosis. The identification of specific tumor subtypes is critical, as treatment approaches may vary significantly.

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