ISSN: 2329-8863



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Sustainable Integrated Agriculture and Rural Development Policy

Hari Prasad Silwal

Sustainable agriculture development perspective has kept in mind on the project however; other social and economic improvements are obvious. Agricultural bio-security (food safety, soil fertility, and plant and animal health) and socio-economy (improved mass scale communal farming, strengthened networking/production/income, assured market chain, entrepreneurship, etc.,) are major consideration. The project is applied for how increased quality agro products are produced without losing soil fertility and plant as well as livestock health. Similarly, project is supportive to improve income of local farmers by reducing invest cost and maximizing return of agriculture products is another project focus. Projectis reliability, effective, and efficiency are guaranteed by secure market chain, entrepreneurship, networking extension. The project is experiential base including couple of socio-economic and agriculture theories. Farmers community, farmland, livestock, farm technologies, market, and agriculture service center are operational areas. Existing knowledge, practice, and perception of local farmers, agriculture experts, and development activists have been incorporated and will be kept accordingly. In coordination and guidance of experts, major sustainability parameters will be set. Main efforts of the project is to utilize the better opportunities and potentiality rather than solving the problem alone. Objectives: Increase secure market access for quality agro production with developed farmers capacity is main objective of the project. Followings are specific objectives; 1). Farmers capacities develop 2). Increase sustainable agriculture production (livestock and farm).

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