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Sustainable Livestock Grazing: Balancing Environmental and Economic Concerns

Chen S Ming

Livestock grazing has been a fundamental aspect of human society, providing food and economic sustenance for centuries. However, growing environmental concerns necessitate a re-evaluation of grazing practices to strike a balance between economic benefits and ecological preservation. This article explores the benefits and challenges of livestock grazing and emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices to ensure long-term viability. While livestock grazing remains vital for livelihoods and food production, overgrazing, soil erosion, and water depletion pose serious threats to ecosystems. Sustainable approaches like rotational grazing, riparian buffers, and silvopastoral systems offer solutions to mitigate environmental impacts. By integrating science-based management and responsible policies, we can achieve the delicate equilibrium required for sustainable livestock grazing, safeguarding both human welfare and the environment for future generations.

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