ISSN: 2471-9846



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The Impact of Nursing Students on Community Oriented Curriculum

Margriet Latour

The aim of this considers is to examine the impact of a more ‘community-oriented’ baccalaureate nursing curriculum on students’ mediation choice in community care. Following a healthcare shift with expanded inveterate diseases in a maturing quiet population getting care at domestic, nursing instruction is revising its educational module with modern themes (e.g., self-management) on community care. In spite of the fact that it seems self-evident that students consolidate these subjects in their nursing care intercessions, usually unclear. This study examines the impact of an updated curriculum on students’ care intervention choice in community nursing. Students who experienced a more ‘community-oriented’ curriculum were more likely, yet to a restricted degree, to select the new community care subjects in their caregiving. Seeing this move in choices as a step within the right direction, it can be expected that the community care field in the longer term will advantage from these better skilled graduates

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