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The Importance of Aquaculture for Feeding the Populations Growth

Shijin Kaushal

The required natural resources for the production of aquaculture feed are also increasing in importance as aquaculture becomes increasingly important for feeding the expanding global population. Although terrestrial feed ingredients have the potential to replace fish meal and fish oil, it is essential to comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of this development. The utilization of feed with a huge extent of earthly feed might decrease the strain on fisheries to give feed to fish, and yet it might essentially press freshwater assets, because of water utilization and contamination in crop creation for aquafeed. Here, the major farmed species, which account for 88% of total fed production, have their green, blue, and gray water footprints associated with the production of commercial feed determined for 2008.Alternative diets showed that substituting terrestrial feed ingredients for fish meal and fish oil could put even more pressure on freshwater resources. At the same time, especially for carnivorous species, economic consumptive water productivity may decrease. The present study’s findings indicate that freshwater consumption and aquafeedrelated pollution must be taken into consideration if the aquaculture industry is to sustainably expand.

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