ISSN: 2329-9053



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The Marvel of Deossification: Unveiling the Mysteries of Bone Remodelling

Toshimori Beall

The human skeleton is not a static entity but a dynamic structure subject to constant change. While the process of bone formation, or ossification, is well-known, the intricate process of deossification, or bone resorption, remains a lesser-explored facet of bone biology. This article delves into the fascinating world of deossification, shedding light on its significance, mechanisms, and implications for human health. By understanding the balance between ossification and deossification, we can appreciate how these processes work in harmony to maintain skeletal health, adapt bones to mechanical stress, and regulate mineral homeostasis. This knowledge is pivotal for preventing and addressing various bone-related conditions, ensuring that our bones remain resilient and robust throughout our lives.

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