ISSN: 2168-9652

生化学と生理学: オープンアクセス


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The Mechanisms Maintenance Stability Internal Energy and Internal Medium an Organism in Norm and in Quasi-Stationary Pathologic States

Ponizovskiy MR

There were elucidated mechanisms maintenance stability Internal Energy and Internal Medium as an organism as well as cells an organism in norm and in quasi-stationary pathologic states. These mechanisms are exerted by three levels of regulative mechanism: highest level regulation, high level regulation and low level regulation. Also, cells from all sections of an organism (blood, lymph, neurolymph, tissues) are connected with one another due to remote reactions across distance, as the results of their cellular capacitors operation via resonance waves, maintaining common stability of Internal Energy both in their section and in an organism. Role of autophagy for maintenance stability Internal Energy and Internal Medium is elucidated in various situations. The mechanisms of maintenance stability Internal Energy and Internal Medium are failed due to aging as cells of an organism, as well as an organism that leads to various quasi-stationary pathologic states. Differences between mechanisms various quasi-stationary pathologic states were explained considering excessive shifts balance catabolic and anabolic processes of low level regulation into either catabolic inflammatory pathway or anabolic proliferative pathway. Thus, mechanisms as normal Stationary State an organism, as well as Quasi-stationary pathologic States were explained from the point of view of thermodynamics, biophysics and biochemistry. There were made reviews from the point of view of offered concepts concerning results of some researches of pathological processes, and eliminated some doubts which were expressed by the authors of the some experiments, studying defensive immune mechanisms of an organism.

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