ISSN: 2329-6879



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The quality of life of individuals with chronic lower back pain after the completion of a work hardening programme in Cape Town, South Africa: A Pilot study

Lee Ann Jacobs Nzuzi Khuabi, Gwen Beatrix Cloete, Mogammad Soeker

Background: Work-hardening, contributes to an individual’s Quality of Life and their ability to return to work.

Objectives: This study aimed to determine whether a work-hardening programme reduces the pain levels and Quality of Life of individuals with low back pain. Methodology: The authors utilised a pre- post intervention study design in order to conduct the study.

Results: Seventeen [n=17] individuals with lower back pain participated in the study. The Short Form 36 and Oswestry lower back pain questionnaire were used to measure Quality of Life of and pain in clients before and after participating in a work hardening programme.

Results: The quality-of-life pre-intervention versus one month post intervention was 64.6% [CI 52-77] [SD 24.2] to 66.4% [CI 55- 78] [SD 21.9]. The quality-of-life post-intervention versus one-month post- intervention was 66.5% [CI 53-80] [SD 24.8] to 66.4% [CI 55-80] [SD 21.9]. There was a reduction in pain perception from 24.9% [CI 14- 35] [SD 19.6] to 13.6% [CI 05-20] [SD 14.1].

Conclusion: The pilot study indicates that there was no statistically significant data to confirm that participation in a work hardening programme reduces pain levels and enhances the Quality of Life of individuals with low back pain.

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