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To Lessen Suffering for Patients and their Families as they Approach the End of Life is the Aim of Palliative Care

Suzane Slocum

Palliative care aims to alleviate the suffering of patients and their families by thoroughly evaluating and treating the symptoms that patients experience physically, psychologically, and spiritually. A patient's symptoms could need more intensive palliation as death draws near. Support for the dying patient's family should increase in intensity along with comfort measures. Palliative care usually focuses on grieving and family assistance after the patient has passed away. In the course of a human existence, death and dying are obviously expected outcomes. When a variety of lifelimiting illnesses seize the human body, life becomes challenging. Every person wants to live a good life, but people who have terminal illnesses must get particular care in order to enhance their quality of life. The term "palliative care" refers to this type of care. One of a nurse's most challenging jobs is assisting patients achieve a dignified and peaceful dying while prioritizing their autonomy, access to knowledge, and freedom of choice.

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